Programalama > C++

Etiketler: dört, islem

Ort. 1
Puan ver:
#include <iostream>

using std::cin;

using std::cout;

using std::endl;

int main() {

                  //variable declaretions

                  int num1,num2;

                  char operation;

                  //read two integer

                  cout<< “Enter two integer : ”;



//read operation code

cout<< “Enter a select code:” <<endl;

            cout<< “         a for addition” <<endl;

            cout<< “         m for multiplication” <<endl;

            cout<< “         d for division   : ”; 


            switch (operation){

            case ‘a’:

            case ‘A’ :

                        cout<< “The sum of the numbers is ”<<num1+num2<<endl;

case ‘m’:

            case ‘M’ :

                        cout<< “The product of the numbers is ”<<num1*num2<<endl;

case ‘d’:

            case ‘D’ :

                        cout<< “The division of the numbers is ”<<num1/num2<<endl;

            default :

                        cout<< “Operation code is not acceptable”<<endl;



            return 0;


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