Programalama > ASP

Etiketler: asp, upload

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 <title>Resim Yükle</title>
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254">
<LINK href="../images/links.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script language="_JavaScript">
function S_im()
var tm=new Image();
var o=document.all;
if (o.statu.value=="ok") {
<body onfiltered='S_im()'>
 dim ImageType,Ft_Filename
    ' This code is needed to "initialize" the retrieved data
    Dim q
    q = Chr(34)
    ' All data
    Dim aAllDataB, aAllData, x, aHdr
    aAllDataB = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
    ' It comes in as unicode, so convert it to ascii
    For x = 1 To LenB(aAllDataB)
        aAllData = aAllData & Chr(AscB(MidB(aAllDataB, x, 1)))
    ' The "header" is a unique string generated by the system to indicate
    ' the beginning and end of file data
    aHdr = Left(aAllData, Instr(aAllData,vbCrLf)+1)
    ' Here's where your code goes.
    ' In this example, "file1" and "file2" are the field names
    ' specified within the form of the upload submission page.
  '  Response.Write "file1: Filename = " & GetFilename("file1") & "<br>"
 Response.Write GetFileData("file1") & "<br><br>"
    'Response.Write "file2: Filename = " & GetFilename("file2") & "<br>"
Response.Write GetFileData("file2") & "<br><br>"
    ' Writing out the file data like this only looks okay when
    ' the uploaded file is some kind of text - images and things
    ' like that probably just need to be saved or otherwise
    ' acted upon.
'    Response.Write Replace(aAllData,vbCrLf,"<br>")
    Dim aFilename
    ' aFilename equates to the original filename, except saved
    ' in the root path of the server. The root path must have
    ' Change rights for the default internet user.
    aFilename = Server.MapPath("images/Users") & "/" & Ft_FileName
 Set FSO1 = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if FSO1.FileExists(aFilename) then
 Dim tfl
 if x>0 then 
 if userId="" then userId=1
 aFilename = Server.MapPath("images/Users") & "/" & tfl
 end if
 end if
 Set FSO1=nothing
    Call SaveFile("file1", aFilename)
'    aFilename = Server.MapPath("images/Users") & "\" & GetFileName("file2")
    'Call SaveFile("file2", aFilename)
    ' These are functions used to retrieve the data
Function GetFileName(aField)
    Dim x2, i
    x = Instr(aAllData, aHdr & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" &q&aField & q)
    x = Instr(x, aAllData, "filename=" & q)
    x2 = Instr(x, aAllData, vbCrLf)
    For i = x2 To x Step -1
        If Mid(aAllData,i,1) = "\" Then
            x = i - 9
            Exit For
        End If
    GetFileName = Mid(aAllData, x+10, x2-(x+11))
End Function
Function GetFileData(aField)
    Dim x2
 'aHdr="-----------------------------7d21db231008c2 "
    x = Instr(aAllData, aHdr & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" & q &aField & q)
    x = Instr(x, aAllData, vbCrLf)
    x = Instr(x+1, aAllData, vbCrLf)
    x = Instr(x+1, aAllData, vbCrLf) + 2
    x2 = Instr(x, aAllData, Left(aHdr,Len(aHdr)-2))
    GetFileData = Mid(aAllData, x+2, x2-x-4)
End Function
Function SaveFile(aField1, aFilename)
 if instr(bh,".gif")>0 then  ImageType=true
 if instr(bh,".jpg")>0 then  ImageType=true
 if instr(bh,".png")>0 then  ImageType=true
 if instr(bh,".bmp")>0 then  ImageType=true
    Dim FSO, TS
    Set FSO = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    if ImageType then Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(aFilename, True, False)
' response.write(afield)
 on error resume next
  if ImageType then  TS.Write GetFileData(aField1)
if ImageType then  Set TS = Nothing
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Function
%><% If not ImageType then %>
<input type="Hidden" name="statu" value="badfile">
<div align="center">
Hatalı Dosya formatı.<br>
<a href="_javascript:window.history.go(-1)">Geri Dön</a>
<% Else  %>
<input type="Hidden" name="statu" value="ok">
<input type="Hidden" name="fn" value="<%=trim(Ft_FileName)%>"> <strong>Lütfen Bekleyiniz...</strong><br>
<IMG name="upi" SRC="images/users/<%=trim(Ft_FileName)%>">
<% End If %>

Yorumlar                 Yorum Yaz
byhayalci (1) Sakıncalı Yorum 13 March 12:36
105 satırda tanımsız değişken "Instr" hatası veriyor.
ASP - 240
ASP.NET - 24
C# - 75
C++ - 174
CGI - 8
DELPHI - 247
FLASH - 49
HTML - 536
PASCAL - 246
PERL - 11
PHP - 160
WML - 9
XML - 2
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