Programalama > HTML

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</HEAD><BODY><table width="422" height="239" border=1 align="center" bgcolor="#000000"><td width="144"><span class="style1">
<td align=center>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0>
<form name="calform">
<tr><td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value="<<" onClick="IncDecYear(-1)"></td>
<th bgcolor="#aaaaaa" colspan=5 align=center><input size=4 type=text value="1993"></th>
<td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value=">>" onClick="IncDecYear(1)"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value="<<" onClick="IncDecMonth(-1)"></td>
<th bgcolor="#aaaaaa" colspan=5 align=center><input size=9 type=text value=" January "></th>
<td align=center bgcolor="#000000"><input type=button value=">>" onClick="IncDecMonth(1)"></td></tr>
<tr><th bgcolor="#ffcccc">Sun</td>
<th bgcolor="#ccccff">Mon</td>
<th bgcolor="#ccccff">Tue</td>
<th bgcolor="#ccccff">Wed</td>
<th bgcolor="#ccccff">Thu</td>
<th bgcolor="#ccccff">Fri</td>
<th bgcolor="#ccccff">Sat</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff" ><input type=text size=2></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffcccc"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccccff"><input type=text size=2></td>
<td bgcolor="#aaaaaa" colspan=5><input type=text></td></tr>
<script language="JavaScript">
//include this script segment if you want to set the calendar to today's date.
//this MUST come after the tabled form which contains the calendar
//set calendar to today's date
myDate = new Date();
var Month = parseInt(myDate.getMonth());
document.calform.elements[1].value = myDate.getYear();
document.calform.elements[4].value = PadSpaces(Months[Month]);
document.calform.elements[43].value = "Today is: " +
myDate.getDate() + " " + Months[Month].substring(0,3)
+ ", " + (myDate.getYear());
// -->
</body> <html>
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
<font face="Tahoma,Verdana,Arial" size="2" COLOR="#767676">
<script language="JavaScript">

var DayOfWeek = new Array('Pazar','Pazartesi','Sali','Carsamba','Persembe','Cuma','Cumartesi');
var MonthName = new Array('Ocak','Subat','Mart','Nisan','Mayis','Haziran','Temmuz','Agustos','Eylül',
var theDate = new Date();

document.write('<NOBR>' +
theDate.getDate() + ' ' +
MonthName[theDate.getMonth()] + ' ' +
(theDate.getYear() < 100 ? theDate.getYear() + 1900 : theDate.getYear()) + ', ' +
DayOfWeek[theDate.getDay()] +

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