// 1.js
var NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;
var IE4 = (document.all) ? true : false;
var interval = 20;
var increment = 1;
var pause = 750;
var bannerColor = "#FFFFFF";
var leftPadding = 3;
var topPadding = 1;
var bannerLeft = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.x :
var bannerTop = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.y :
var bannerWidth = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.width :
var bannerHeight = (NS4) ? document.images.holdspace.height :
var ar = new Array(
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:CDCA0f;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;" >Universal JavaScript Rollovers</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:444A0f;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">Mastering JavaScript Dates</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:00FFA0;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;"
>Rotating Text Banners</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:000000;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">Text Rollovers</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:0FD0A3;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">Regular Expressions</A> ',
'<A HREF="" STYLE="color:fEDA0f;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">Browser Compatibility</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:0066ff;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">Window Spawning and Remotes</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:ff0000;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">Crispy JavaScript Cookies</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:30FFFF;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">The Navigator Event Model</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:FF9800;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">The Internet Explorer Event Model</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:FF68FF;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">The Cross-Browser Event Model</A>',
'<A HREF=""STYLE="color:22F900;font-size:20pt;font-family:Arial Black;">JavaScript Selections</A>'
2.js Dosyası.Bu kodlar 2.js adıyla kaydedilecektir.
// 2.js
onload = startBanner;
function showMessage(n, show) {
var whichEl = (NS4) ? eval("message" + n) :
eval("message" + n + ".style");
whichEl.visibility = (show) ? ((NS4) ? "show" : "visible") :
((NS4) ? "hide" : "hidden");
function nextMessage() {
var fromInd = current;
current = (fromInd == ar.length - 1) ? 0 : fromInd + 1;
scrollBanner(fromInd, current);
function moveUp() {
if (NS4) {
fromEl.top -= increment;
if (toEl.top - increment <= toElTarget) {
toEl.top = toElTarget;
fromEl.visibility = "hide";
timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause);
} else {
toEl.top -= increment;
} else {
fromEl.pixelTop -= increment;
if (toEl.pixelTop - increment <= toElTarget) {
toEl.pixelTop = toElTarget;
fromEl.visibility = "hidden";
timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause);
} else {
toEl.pixelTop -= increment;
function scrollBanner(from, to) {
if (NS4) {
fromEl = eval("message" + from);
toEl = eval("message" + to);
toEl.top = fromEl.top + bannerHeight;
toElTarget = fromEl.top;
} else {
fromEl = eval("message" + from + ".style");
toEl = eval("message" + to + ".style");
toEl.pixelTop = fromEl.pixelTop + bannerHeight;
toElTarget = fromEl.pixelTop;
showMessage(to, true); // show the upcoming message
intervalID = setInterval("moveUp()", interval);
function makeIE() {
// assign the necessary code to a variable
var text = '<DIV ID="banner" STYLE="position:absolute">';
for (var i = ar.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
text += '<DIV ID="message' + i +
'" STYLE="position:absolute"></DIV>';
text += '</DIV>';
// insert the code before the end of the document
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", text);
// define the main element's properties
with (banner.style) {
width = bannerWidth;
height = bannerHeight;
clip = "rect(0 " + bannerWidth + " " + bannerHeight + " 0)";
backgroundColor = bannerColor;
pixelLeft = bannerLeft;
pixelTop = bannerTop;
// define the child elements' properties
for (i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
with (eval("message" + i + ".style")) {
visibility = "hidden";
pixelLeft = leftPadding;
pixelTop = topPadding;
width = bannerWidth - leftPadding;
backgroundColor = bannerColor;
function makeNS() {
// create the main element
banner = new Layer(bannerWidth);
// define the main element's properties
with (banner) {
clip.right = bannerWidth;
clip.bottom = bannerHeight;
document.BGCOLOR="#000000"Color = bannerColor;
left = bannerLeft;
top = bannerTop;
visibility = "show";
// define the child elements' properties
for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
// create a child element
eval("message" + i + " = " +
"new Layer(bannerWidth - leftPadding, banner)");
with(eval("message" + i)) {
visibility = "hide";
left = leftPadding;
top = topPadding;
document.BGCOLOR="#000000"Color = bannerColor;
function fillBanner() {
var whichEl;
if (NS4) {
for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
whichEl = eval("message" + i);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
whichEl = eval("message" + i);
whichEl.innerHTML = ar[i];
function startBanner() {
if (NS4)
showMessage(0, true);
current = 0;
timeoutID = setTimeout("nextMessage()", pause);
1Adım:Aşağıdaki JavaScrip kodlamasını sayfada <Head>.. </Head> tag'ının arasına gelecek şekilde yazın.
2.Adım:Kodlamada kullanılan ve sayfada görünmesi istenen bannerin java script kodları 1.js ve 2.js adıyla sayfaya dışarıdan dahil edilecektir.
<P><IMG SRC="blank.gif"
NAME="holdspace" ID="holdspace"
WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="35"
STYLE="visibility:hidden; position:relative;"></P>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4.0; Macintosh;") == -1) {
with (document) {
write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' SRC='1.js'>");
write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2' SRC='2.js'>");