Option Explicit
Private i, k, durum, renk, r, s, level, puan
Private iaktifsekilkare(3) As Integer
Private devam(3) As Boolean
Private devamet As Boolean
Private sola(3) As Boolean
Private solagit As Boolean
Private saga(3) As Boolean
Private sagagit As Boolean
Private sil(11) As Boolean
Private Sub form_keydown(keycode As Integer, shift As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
If keycode = vbKeyLeft Then
If Not (iaktifsekilkare(0) Mod 10 = 1) Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 1).Visible = False Then
sola(0) = True
sola(0) = False
End If
If (iaktifsekilkare(1) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(0)) Then
sola(1) = True
sola(1) = False
End If
End If
If ((iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(0)) Or (iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(1))) Then
sola(2) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1).Visible = False Then
sola(2) = True
sola(2) = False
End If
End If
If ((iaktifsekilkare(3) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(0)) Or (iaktifsekilkare(3) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(1)) Or (iaktifsekilkare(3) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(1) Or (iaktifsekilkare(3) - 1 = iaktifsekilkare(2)))) Then
sola(3) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) - 1).Visible = False Then
sola(3) = True
sola(3) = False
End If
End If
For i = 0 To 3
If sola(i) = True Then
solagit = True
solagit = False
GoTo soladevam
End If
If solagit = True Then
If solagit = True Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(i) = iaktifsekilkare(i) - 1
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = True
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).BackColor = QBColor(renk)
End If
End If
End If
End If
If keycode = vbKeyRight Then
If Not (iaktifsekilkare(3) Mod 10 = 0) Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) + 1).Visible = False Then
saga(3) = True
saga(3) = False
End If
If (iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1 = iaktifsekilkare(3)) Then
saga(2) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1).Visible = False Then
saga(2) = True
saga(2) = False
End If
End If
If ((iaktifsekilkare(1) + 1 = iaktifsekilkare(3)) Or (iaktifsekilkare(1) + 1 = iaktifsekilkare(2))) Then
saga(1) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) + 1).Visible = False Then
saga(1) = True
saga(1) = False
End If
End If
If ((iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1 = iaktifsekilkare(3)) Or (iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1 = iaktifsekilkare(2)) Or (iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1 = iaktifsekilkare(1))) Then
saga(0) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1).Visible = False Then
saga(0) = True
saga(0) = False
End If
End If
For i = 0 To 3
If saga(i) = True Then
sagagit = True
sagagit = False
GoTo sagadevam
End If
If sagagit = True Then
For i = 3 To 0 Step -1
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(i) = iaktifsekilkare(i) + 1
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = True
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).BackColor = QBColor(renk)
End If
End If
End If
If keycode = vbKeyDown Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer1.Interval = 10
Timer1.Enabled = True
End If
If keycode = vbKeySpace Then
Select Case k
Case 1
If durum = 1 Then
On Error Resume Next
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) - 20).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) - 10).Visible = False Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(1) - 20
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(1) - 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 20
durum = 2
End If
ElseIf durum = 2 Then
On Error Resume Next
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 2).Visible = False And (Not iaktifsekilkare(2) Mod 10 = 1) And (iaktifsekilkare(2) Mod 10 < 9) And (Not (iaktifsekilkare(2) Mod 10 = 0)) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(2)
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1
durum = 1
End If
End If
Case 2
If durum = 1 Then
If iaktifsekilkare(2) < 200 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) - 10).Visible = False Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(2)
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(3) - 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10
durum = 2
End If
End If
ElseIf durum = 2 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 11).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 10).Visible = False And Not (iaktifsekilkare(0) Mod 10 = 1) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(0) - 11
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1
durum = 1
End If
End If
Case 3
If durum = 1 Then
If iaktifsekilkare(2) < 200 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 10).Visible = False Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(0) - 10
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(2)
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10
durum = 2
End If
End If
ElseIf durum = 2 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 9).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 10).Visible = False And Not (iaktifsekilkare(2) Mod 10 = 0) And Not (iaktifsekilkare(0) Mod 10 = 1) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(1)
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) - 9
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 1
durum = 1
End If
End If
Case 4
Case 5
If durum = 1 Then
If iaktifsekilkare(1) < 190 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) + 20).Visible = False Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(1)
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1
durum = 2
End If
End If
ElseIf durum = 2 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) + 10).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 1).Visible = False And (Not (iaktifsekilkare(0) Mod 10 < 2)) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(0) - 1
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10
durum = 3
End If
ElseIf durum = 3 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 10).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 20).Visible = False And iaktifsekilkare(2) > 20 Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1 - 20
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10
durum = 4
End If
ElseIf durum = 4 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 10).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) + 1).visible0false And (Not (iaktifsekilkare(3) Mod 10 = 0)) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1
durum = 1
End If
End If
Case 6
If durum = 1 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 1).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 11).Visible = False And iaktifsekilkare(2) > 20 Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(2) - 11
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1
durum = 2
End If
ElseIf durum = 2 Then
On Error Resume Next
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) + 1).Visible = False And (Not (iaktifsekilkare(3) Mod 10 = 0)) And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10).Visible = False Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(2)
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1
durum = 3
End If
ElseIf durum = 3 Then
On Error Resume Next
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 1).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10).Visible = False And (Not (iaktifsekilkare(0) Mod 10 = 1)) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(0) = iaktifsekilkare(0) - 1
iaktifsekilkare(1) = iaktifsekilkare(0) + 1
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) + 10
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10
durum = 4
End If
ElseIf durum = 4 Then
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) + 1).Visible = False And Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 9).Visible = False And (Not (iaktifsekilkare(1) Mod 10 = 0)) Then
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(2) = iaktifsekilkare(1) - 9
iaktifsekilkare(3) = iaktifsekilkare(2) + 10
durum = 1
End If
End If
End Select
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = True
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).BackColor = QBColor(renk)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub form_load()
'şekilleri yerleştirelim
For i = 0 To 20
For k = 1 To 10
Load Shape1(10 * i + k)
If k = 1 Then
Shape1(i * 10 + k).Left = Shape1(0).Left + Shape1(0).Width
Shape1(i * 10 + k).Top = Shape1(0).Top
Shape1(i * 10 + k).Left = Shape1(i * 10 + k - 1).Left + Shape1(i * 10 + k - 1).Width
Shape1(i * 10 + k).Top = Shape1(0).Top
End If
Shape1(0).Top = Shape1(0).Top - Shape1(0).Height
Shape2.Move Shape1(1).Left - 5, Shape1(210).Top - 5, 10 * Shape1(0).Width + 10, Shape1(0).Height * 20 + 10
Call sekilsec
For i = 0 To 10
Shape1(i).Visible = True
level = 0
puan = 0
Label1.Caption = "level" & level
Label2.Caption = "punanınız:" & puan
End Sub
Private Sub sekilsec()
Randomize Timer
k = Int(Rnd * 6) + 1
Select Case k
Case 1: iaktifsekilkare(0) = 204
iaktifsekilkare(1) = 205
iaktifsekilkare(2) = 206
iaktifsekilkare(3) = 207
durum = 1
Case 2: iaktifsekilkare(0) = 195
iaktifsekilkare(1) = 196
iaktifsekilkare(2) = 206
iaktifsekilkare(3) = 207
durum = 1
Case 3: iaktifsekilkare(0) = 205
iaktifsekilkare(1) = 196
iaktifsekilkare(2) = 206
iaktifsekilkare(3) = 197
durum = 1
Case 4: iaktifsekilkare(0) = 195
iaktifsekilkare(1) = 205
iaktifsekilkare(2) = 196
iaktifsekilkare(3) = 206
durum = 1
Case 5: iaktifsekilkare(0) = 195
iaktifsekilkare(1) = 205
iaktifsekilkare(2) = 206
iaktifsekilkare(3) = 207
durum = 1
Case 6: iaktifsekilkare(0) = 205
iaktifsekilkare(1) = 206
iaktifsekilkare(2) = 197
iaktifsekilkare(3) = 207
durum = 1
End Select
renk = Int(Rnd * 15) + 1
If renk = 7 Then GoTo bidaha
For i = 0 To 3
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = True
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).BackColor = QBColor(renk)
End Sub
Private Sub timer1_timer()
devamet = False
For i = 0 To 3
devam(i) = False
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(0) - 10).Visible = False Then devam(0) = True
If (iaktifsekilkare(1) - 10 = iaktifsekilkare(0)) Then
devam(1) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(1) - 10).Visible = False Then
devam(1) = True
End If
If (iaktifsekilkare(2) - 10 = iaktifsekilkare(1)) Then
devam(2) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(2) - 10).Visible = False Then
devam(2) = True
End If
If (iaktifsekilkare(3) - 10 = iaktifsekilkare(2)) Then
devam(3) = True
If Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(3) - 10).Visible = False Then
devam(3) = True
End If
For i = 0 To 3
If devam(i) = True Then
devamet = True
devamet = False
GoTo devamdevam
End If
If devamet = True Then
For i = 0 To 3
On Error Resume Next
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = False
iaktifsekilkare(i) = iaktifsekilkare(i) - 10
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).Visible = True
Shape1(iaktifsekilkare(i)).BackColor = QBColor(renk)
Call kontrol
Call sekilsec
End If
End Sub
Private Sub kontrol()
sil(11) = False
level = Int(puan / 1500)
Select Case level
Case 0: Timer1.Interval = 1000
Case 1: Timer1.Interval = 1000
Case 2: Timer1.Interval = 500
Case 3: Timer1.Interval = 250
Case 4: Timer1.Interval = 125
Case 5: Timer1.Interval = 60
Case 6: Timer1.Interval = 30
Case 7: Timer1.Interval = 15
Case 8: Timer1.Interval = 10
End Select
If level > 8 Then Timer1.Interval = 5
Label1.Caption = "level" & level
For i = 1 To 19
For r = 1 To 10
If Shape1(i * 10 + r).Visible = True Then
sil(r) = True
sil(r) = False
End If
For r = 1 To 10
If sil(r) = True Then
sil(11) = True
sil(11) = False
GoTo silelim
End If
If sil(11) = True Then GoTo silbakalim
Exit Sub
puan = puan + 100
Label2.Caption = "puanınız:" & puan
For s = i To 19
For r = 1 To 10
If Shape1(s * 10 + r + 10).Visible = True Then
Shape1(s * 10 + r).BackColor = Shape1(s * 10 + r + 10).BackColor
Shape1(s * 10 + r).Visible = False
End If
GoTo basla
End Sub