Programalama > VISUAL BASIC

Etiketler: sayisal, loto

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Private Sub Command1_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = False
Dim a(6)
a(1) = Val(Label1.Caption): a(2) = Val(Label2.Caption): a(3) = Val(Label3.Caption)
a(4) = Val(Label4.Caption): a(5) = Val(Label5.Caption): a(6) = Val(Label6.Caption)
For k = 1 To 5
For j = k + 1 To 6
If a(k) > a(j) Then g = a(k): a(k) = a(j): a(j) = g
Next j
Next k
Label1.Caption = a(1): Label2.Caption = a(2): Label3.Caption = a(3)
Label4.Caption = a(4): Label5.Caption = a(5): Label6.Caption = a(6)

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Randomize Timer
Label1.Caption = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
Randomize Timer
Label2.Caption = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
Randomize Timer
Label3.Caption = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
Randomize Timer
Label4.Caption = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
Randomize Timer
Label5.Caption = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1
Randomize Timer
Label6.Caption = Int(Rnd * 48) + 1

End Sub

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