Programalama > VISUAL BASIC

Etiketler: bilimsel, hesap, mak.

Ort. 3
Puan ver:
'   Scientific Calculator Program
'   Author: Timothy C. Alvord
'   E-Mail:
'   Purpose:
'       This program is a Simple Scientific Calculator. It handles
'       Roman Numeral, Hex, Decimal, Octal and Binary numbers.
'       Degrees, Radians and Gradians. All the standard Trig functions.
'       Factorial, Sqr, Inverse, Square, Cube, X^Y.
'       Fun conversions like:
'           Ounce <-> Grams
'           Pounds <-> Kilograms
'           Gallon <-> Litre
'           Mile <-> Kilometer
'           Inch <-> Centimeter
'           Fahrenheight <-> Celsius
Const PI = 3.14159265358979
' Function Mode
Const NONE = 0
Const MULTIPLY = 1
Const DIVIDE = 2
Const PLUS = 3
Const MINUS = 4
Const POWER = 5
' Base
Const ROMANNUM = 1
Const HEXNUM = 2
Const DECNUM = 3
Const OCTNUM = 4
Const BINNUM = 5
' Deg/Rad/Grad
Const DEGREES = 1
Const RADIANS = 2
Const GRADIANS = 3

Public xFirstNum As Double
Public xSecondNum As Double
Public xMemory As Double
Public bError As Boolean
Public bEntered As Boolean
Public bFirstNum As Boolean
Public iMathFunction As Integer
Public iCurrentRadix As Integer
Public iDegRadGrad As Integer

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
        (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, wParam As Long, _
        lParam As Any) As Long

Private Const BM_CLICK As Long = &HF5
Private Const BM_SETSTATE As Long = &HF3

Private Sub Form_Load()
    iMathFunction = NONE
    iCurrentRadix = DECNUM
    iDegRadGrad = DEGREES
    xFirstNum = 0
    xSecondNum = 0
    bError = False
    bEntered = False
    Call Dec_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyCode As Integer)
    MyChar = Chr(KeyCode)
    Select Case (MyChar)
    Case "0"
        Call Button0_Click
    Case "1"
        Call Button1_Click
    Case "2"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button2_Click
        End If
    Case "3"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button3_Click
        End If
    Case "4"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button4_Click
        End If
    Case "5"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button5_Click
        End If
    Case "6"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button6_Click
        End If
    Case "7"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button7_Click
        End If
    Case "8"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Oct.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button8_Click
        End If
    Case "9"
        If Dec.Value = True Or Hex.Value = True Then
            Call Button9_Click
        End If
    Case "A", "a"
        If Hex.Value = True Then
            Call ButtonA_Click
        End If
    Case "B", "b"
        If Hex.Value = True Then
            Call ButtonB_Click
        End If
    Case "C", "c"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Or iCurrentRadix = HEXNUM Then
            Call ButtonC_Click
        End If
    Case "D", "d"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Or iCurrentRadix = HEXNUM Then
            Call ButtonD_Click
        End If
    Case "E", "e"
        If Hex.Value = True Then
            Call ButtonE_Click
        End If
    Case "F", "f"
        If Hex.Value = True Then
            Call ButtonF_Click
        End If
    Case "M", "m"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Then
            Call ButtonM_Click
        End If
    Case "L", "l"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Then
            Call ButtonL_Click
        End If
    Case "X", "x"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Then
            Call ButtonX_Click
        End If
    Case "V", "v"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Then
            Call ButtonV_Click
        End If
    Case "I", "i"
        If iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM Then
            Call ButtonI_Click
        End If
    Case "."
        If Dec.Value = True Then
            Call ButtonDecPoint_Click
        End If
    Case "/"
        Call ButtonDivide_Click
    Case "*"
        Call ButtonMultiply_Click
    Case "+"
        Call ButtonPlus_Click
    Case "-"
        Call ButtonMinus_Click
    Case "="
        Call ButtonEquals_Click
    Case Else
        Select Case (KeyCode)
        Case 8      '   Backspace Key
            Call ButtonBS_Click
        Case 13     '   Enter Key - Treat as Equal Key
            Call ButtonEquals_Click
        Case 27     '   Esc Key
            Call ButtonClear_Click
        End Select

    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Roman_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        Call ConvertOutputWindowText(iCurrentRadix, ROMANNUM)
        iCurrentRadix = ROMANNUM
        Roman.Value = True
        Hex.Value = False
        Dec.Value = False
        Oct.Value = False
        Bin.Value = False
        ButtonM.Enabled = True
        ButtonC.Enabled = True
        ButtonD.Enabled = True
        ButtonL.Enabled = True
        ButtonX.Enabled = True
        ButtonV.Enabled = True
        ButtonI.Enabled = True
        ButtonSqrRoot.Enabled = True
        ButtonFactorial.Enabled = True
        ButtonSquare.Enabled = True
        ButtonCube.Enabled = True
        ButtonPower.Enabled = True

        ButtonA.Enabled = False
        ButtonB.Enabled = False
        ButtonE.Enabled = False
        ButtonF.Enabled = False
        Button9.Enabled = False
        Button8.Enabled = False
        Button7.Enabled = False
        Button6.Enabled = False
        Button5.Enabled = False
        Button4.Enabled = False
        Button3.Enabled = False
        Button2.Enabled = False
        Button1.Enabled = False
        Button0.Enabled = False
        ButtonTangent.Enabled = False
        ButtonCosine.Enabled = False
        ButtonSine.Enabled = False
        ButtonOzToGram.Enabled = False
        ButtonMileToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Enabled = False
        ButtonInchToCent.Enabled = False
        ButtonLbToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonFToC.Enabled = False
        Button1OverX.Enabled = False
        ButtonPlusMinus.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Hex_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        Call ConvertOutputWindowText(iCurrentRadix, HEXNUM)
        iCurrentRadix = HEXNUM
        Hex.Value = True
        Roman.Value = False
        Dec.Value = False
        Oct.Value = False
        Bin.Value = False
        ButtonA.Enabled = True
        ButtonB.Enabled = True
        ButtonC.Enabled = True
        ButtonD.Enabled = True
        ButtonE.Enabled = True
        ButtonF.Enabled = True
        Button9.Enabled = True
        Button8.Enabled = True
        Button7.Enabled = True
        Button6.Enabled = True
        Button5.Enabled = True
        Button4.Enabled = True
        Button3.Enabled = True
        Button2.Enabled = True
        Button1.Enabled = True
        Button0.Enabled = True
        ButtonSqrRoot.Enabled = True
        ButtonFactorial.Enabled = True
        ButtonSquare.Enabled = True
        ButtonCube.Enabled = True
        ButtonPower.Enabled = True
        ButtonPlusMinus.Enabled = True

        ButtonM.Enabled = False
        ButtonL.Enabled = False
        ButtonX.Enabled = False
        ButtonV.Enabled = False
        ButtonI.Enabled = False
        ButtonTangent.Enabled = False
        ButtonCosine.Enabled = False
        ButtonSine.Enabled = False
        ButtonOzToGram.Enabled = False
        ButtonMileToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Enabled = False
        ButtonInchToCent.Enabled = False
        ButtonLbToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonFToC.Enabled = False
        Button1OverX.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Dec_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        Call ConvertOutputWindowText(iCurrentRadix, DECNUM)
        iCurrentRadix = DECNUM
        Dec.Value = True
        Roman.Value = False
        Hex.Value = False
        Oct.Value = False
        Bin.Value = False
        ButtonA.Enabled = False
        ButtonB.Enabled = False
        ButtonC.Enabled = False
        ButtonD.Enabled = False
        ButtonE.Enabled = False
        ButtonF.Enabled = False
        ButtonM.Enabled = False
        ButtonL.Enabled = False
        ButtonX.Enabled = False
        ButtonV.Enabled = False
        ButtonI.Enabled = False
        Button9.Enabled = True
        Button8.Enabled = True
        Button7.Enabled = True
        Button6.Enabled = True
        Button5.Enabled = True
        Button4.Enabled = True
        Button3.Enabled = True
        Button2.Enabled = True
        Button1.Enabled = True
        Button0.Enabled = True
        ButtonSqrRoot.Enabled = True
        Button1OverX.Enabled = True
        ButtonSquare.Enabled = True
        ButtonCube.Enabled = True
        ButtonPower.Enabled = True
        ButtonTangent.Enabled = True
        ButtonCosine.Enabled = True
        ButtonSine.Enabled = True
        ButtonOzToGram.Enabled = True
        ButtonMileToKilo.Enabled = True
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Enabled = True
        ButtonInchToCent.Enabled = True
        ButtonLbToKilo.Enabled = True
        ButtonFToC.Enabled = True
        ButtonPlusMinus.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Oct_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        Call ConvertOutputWindowText(iCurrentRadix, OCTNUM)
        iCurrentRadix = OCTNUM
        Oct.Value = True
        Roman.Value = False
        Hex.Value = False
        Dec.Value = False
        Bin.Value = False
        ButtonTangent.Enabled = False
        ButtonCosine.Enabled = False
        ButtonSine.Enabled = False
        ButtonOzToGram.Enabled = False
        ButtonMileToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Enabled = False
        ButtonInchToCent.Enabled = False
        ButtonLbToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonFToC.Enabled = False
        Button1OverX.Enabled = False
        ButtonA.Enabled = False
        ButtonB.Enabled = False
        ButtonC.Enabled = False
        ButtonD.Enabled = False
        ButtonE.Enabled = False
        ButtonF.Enabled = False
        ButtonM.Enabled = False
        ButtonL.Enabled = False
        ButtonX.Enabled = False
        ButtonV.Enabled = False
        ButtonI.Enabled = False
        Button9.Enabled = False
        ButtonSqrRoot.Enabled = True
        ButtonSquare.Enabled = True
        ButtonCube.Enabled = True
        ButtonPower.Enabled = True
        ButtonPlusMinus.Enabled = True
        Button8.Enabled = True
        Button7.Enabled = True
        Button6.Enabled = True
        Button5.Enabled = True
        Button4.Enabled = True
        Button3.Enabled = True
        Button2.Enabled = True
        Button1.Enabled = True
        Button0.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Bin_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        Call ConvertOutputWindowText(iCurrentRadix, BINNUM)
        iCurrentRadix = BINNUM
        Bin.Value = True
        Roman.Value = False
        Hex.Value = False
        Dec.Value = False
        Oct.Value = False
        ButtonSqrRoot.Enabled = True
        ButtonSquare.Enabled = True
        ButtonCube.Enabled = True
        ButtonPower.Enabled = True
        ButtonPlusMinus.Enabled = True
        Button1.Enabled = True
        Button0.Enabled = True
        ButtonA.Enabled = False
        ButtonB.Enabled = False
        ButtonC.Enabled = False
        ButtonD.Enabled = False
        ButtonE.Enabled = False
        ButtonF.Enabled = False
        ButtonM.Enabled = False
        ButtonL.Enabled = False
        ButtonX.Enabled = False
        ButtonV.Enabled = False
        ButtonI.Enabled = False
        Button9.Enabled = False
        Button8.Enabled = False
        Button7.Enabled = False
        Button6.Enabled = False
        Button5.Enabled = False
        Button4.Enabled = False
        Button3.Enabled = False
        Button2.Enabled = False
        ButtonTangent.Enabled = False
        ButtonCosine.Enabled = False
        ButtonSine.Enabled = False
        ButtonOzToGram.Enabled = False
        ButtonMileToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Enabled = False
        ButtonInchToCent.Enabled = False
        ButtonLbToKilo.Enabled = False
        ButtonFToC.Enabled = False
        Button1OverX.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Deg_Click()
        Deg.Value = True
        Rad.Value = False
        Grad.Value = False
        iDegRadGrad = DEGREES
End Sub
Private Sub Rad_Click()
        Deg.Value = False
        Rad.Value = True
        Grad.Value = False
        iDegRadGrad = RADIANS
End Sub
Private Sub Grad_Click()
        Deg.Value = False
        Rad.Value = False
        Grad.Value = True
        iDegRadGrad = GRADIANS
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonPI_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(PI)
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(PI)
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = PI
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(PI)
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(PI)
        End Select
        bEntered = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonClear_Click()
    bEntered = False
    bFirstNum = False
    OutputWindow.Text = "0."
    OutputWindow.ForeColor = &H0&
    iMathFunction = 0
    bError = False
    Call ButtonMC_Click
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonCE_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            If bFirstNum = False Then   '   Same as Clear
                bEntered = False
                bFirstNum = False
                OutputWindow.Text = "0."
                iMathFunction = 0
            Else    '   Allow User to Enter a new 2nd Number
                bEntered = False
                OutputWindow.Text = "0."
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonBS_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            sStr = OutputWindow.Text
            If Len(sStr) > 1 Then
                OutputWindow.Text = Left(sStr, Len(sStr) - 1)
                OutputWindow.Text = "0"
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button0_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "0"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "0"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "1"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "1"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "2"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "2"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "3"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "3"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button4_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "4"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "4"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button5_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "5"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "5"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button6_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "6"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "6"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button7_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "7"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "7"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button8_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "8"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "8"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button9_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "9"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "9"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonA_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "A"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "A"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonB_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "B"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "B"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonC_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "C"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "C"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonD_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "D"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "D"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonE_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "E"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "E"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonF_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "F"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "F"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonM_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "M"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "M"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonL_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "L"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "L"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonX_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "X"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "X"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonV_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "V"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "V"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonI_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = False Then
            bEntered = True
            OutputWindow.Text = "I"
            OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "I"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonDecPoint_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If iCurrentRadix = DECNUM Then
            If bEntered = False Then    '   Start of New Number
                bEntered = True
                OutputWindow.Text = "."
            Else                        '   Append
                If InStr(OutputWindow.Text, ".") = 0 Then   '   Make Sure Only 1 Decimal Point
                    OutputWindow.Text = OutputWindow.Text + "."
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonPlusMinus_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If iCurrentRadix = DECNUM Then
            If bEntered = True Then
                iValue = OutputWindow.Text * -1
                OutputWindow.Text = iValue
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonDivide_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            If bFirstNum = True Then
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xSecondNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bError = Calculate_Total(xFirstNum, xSecondNum, xTotal)
                If Not bError Then
                    xFirstNum = xTotal
                    bFirstNum = True
                    bEntered = False
                    iMathFunction = DIVIDE
                End If
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xFirstNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = DIVIDE
            End If
            iMathFunction = DIVIDE
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMultiply_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            If bFirstNum = True Then
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xSecondNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bError = Calculate_Total(xFirstNum, xSecondNum, xTotal)
                If Not bError Then
                    xFirstNum = xTotal
                    bFirstNum = True
                    bEntered = False
                    iMathFunction = MULTIPLY
                End If
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xFirstNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = MULTIPLY
            End If
            iMathFunction = MULTIPLY
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonPlus_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            If bFirstNum = True Then
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xSecondNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bError = Calculate_Total(xFirstNum, xSecondNum, xTotal)
                If Not bError Then
                    xFirstNum = xTotal
                    bFirstNum = True
                    bEntered = False
                    iMathFunction = PLUS
                End If
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xFirstNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = PLUS
            End If
            iMathFunction = PLUS
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMinus_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            If bFirstNum = True Then
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xSecondNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xSecondNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xSecondNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bError = Calculate_Total(xFirstNum, xSecondNum, xTotal)
                If Not bError Then
                    xFirstNum = xTotal
                    bFirstNum = True
                    bEntered = False
                    iMathFunction = MINUS
                End If
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case DECNUM
                        xFirstNum = OutputWindow.Text
                    Case OCTNUM
                        xFirstNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    Case BINNUM
                        xFirstNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                End Select
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = MINUS
            End If
            iMathFunction = MINUS
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonPower_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bEntered = True Then
            Select Case iCurrentRadix
                Case ROMANNUM
                    xFirstNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case HEXNUM
                    xFirstNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                Case DECNUM
                    xFirstNum = OutputWindow.Text
                Case OCTNUM
                    xFirstNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                Case BINNUM
                    xFirstNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
            End Select
            bFirstNum = True
            bEntered = False
            iMathFunction = POWER
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonEquals_Click()
    If bError = False Then
        If bFirstNum = True Then
            Select Case iCurrentRadix
                Case ROMANNUM
                    xSecondNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case HEXNUM
                    xSecondNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                Case DECNUM
                    xSecondNum = OutputWindow.Text
                Case OCTNUM
                    xSecondNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                Case BINNUM
                    xSecondNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
            End Select
            Select Case iMathFunction
            Case DIVIDE
                If xSecondNum = 0 Then
                    OutputWindow.Text = "ERROR - Divide by Zero"
                    OutputWindow.ForeColor = &HFF&
                    bError = True
                    xTotal = xFirstNum / xSecondNum
                    Select Case iCurrentRadix
                        Case ROMANNUM
                            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xTotal)
                        Case HEXNUM
                            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xTotal)
                        Case DECNUM
                            OutputWindow.Text = xTotal
                        Case OCTNUM
                            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xTotal)
                        Case BINNUM
                            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xTotal)
                    End Select
                    xFirstNum = xTotal
                    bFirstNum = True
                    bEntered = False
                End If
                iMathFunction = 0
            Case MULTIPLY
                xTotal = xFirstNum * xSecondNum
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xTotal)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xTotal)
                    Case DECNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = xTotal
                    Case OCTNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xTotal)
                    Case BINNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xTotal)
                End Select
                xFirstNum = xTotal
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = 0
            Case PLUS
                xTotal = xFirstNum + xSecondNum
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xTotal)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xTotal)
                    Case DECNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = xTotal
                    Case OCTNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xTotal)
                    Case BINNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xTotal)
                End Select
                xFirstNum = xTotal
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = 0
            Case MINUS
                xTotal = xFirstNum - xSecondNum
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xTotal)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xTotal)
                    Case DECNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = xTotal
                    Case OCTNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xTotal)
                    Case BINNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xTotal)
                End Select
                xFirstNum = xTotal
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = 0
            Case POWER
                xTotal = 1
                If xSecondNum <> 0 Then
                    For iCounter = 1 To xSecondNum
                        xTotal = xTotal * xFirstNum
                End If
                Select Case iCurrentRadix
                    Case ROMANNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xTotal)
                    Case HEXNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xTotal)
                    Case DECNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = xTotal
                    Case OCTNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xTotal)
                    Case BINNUM
                        OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xTotal)
                End Select
                xFirstNum = xTotal
                bFirstNum = True
                bEntered = False
                iMathFunction = 0
            End Select
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonMC_Click()
    xMemory = 0
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMR_Click()
    If xMemory <> 0 Then
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xMemory)
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xMemory)
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = xMemory
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xMemory)
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xMemory)
        End Select
        bEntered = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMS_Click()
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xMemory = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xMemory = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xMemory = OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xMemory = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xMemory = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMPlus_Click()
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xMemory = xMemory + GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xMemory = xMemory + Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xMemory = xMemory + OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xMemory = xMemory + Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xMemory = xMemory + GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMMinus_Click()
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xMemory = xMemory - GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xMemory = xMemory - Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xMemory = xMemory - OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xMemory = xMemory - Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xMemory = xMemory - GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub InvCheckBox_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        ButtonOzToGram.Caption = "Gm-Oz"
        ButtonMileToKilo.Caption = "Km-Mi"
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Caption = "Ltr-Gal"
        ButtonInchToCent.Caption = "Cm-In"
        ButtonFToC.Caption = "C - F"
        ButtonLbToKilo.Caption = "Kg-Lb"
        ButtonSine.Caption = "Asn"
        ButtonCosine.Caption = "Acs"
        ButtonTangent.Caption = "Atn"
        ButtonOzToGram.Caption = "Oz-Gm"
        ButtonMileToKilo.Caption = "Mi-Km"
        ButtonGallonToLitre.Caption = "Gal-Ltr"
        ButtonInchToCent.Caption = "In-Cm"
        ButtonFToC.Caption = "F - C"
        ButtonLbToKilo.Caption = "Lb-Kg"
        ButtonSine.Caption = "Sin"
        ButtonCosine.Caption = "Cos"
        ButtonTangent.Caption = "Tan"
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonOzToGram_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xGram = OutputWindow.Text
        xOunce = xGram / 28.34952313
        OutputWindow.Text = xOunce
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        xOunce = OutputWindow.Text
        xGram = xOunce * 28.34952313
        OutputWindow.Text = xGram
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonMileToKilo_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xKilometer = OutputWindow.Text
        xMile = xKilometer / 1.609344
        OutputWindow.Text = xMile
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        xMile = OutputWindow.Text
        xKilometer = xMile * 1.609344
        OutputWindow.Text = xKilometer
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonGallonToLitre_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xLitre = OutputWindow.Text
        xGallon = xLitre / 3.785412
        OutputWindow.Text = xGallon
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        xGallon = OutputWindow.Text
        xLitre = xGallon * 3.785412
        OutputWindow.Text = xLitre
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonInchToCent_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xCent = OutputWindow.Text
        xInch = xCent / 2.54
        OutputWindow.Text = xInch
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        xInch = OutputWindow.Text
        xCent = xInch * 2.54
        OutputWindow.Text = xCent
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonFToC_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xCelsius = OutputWindow.Text
        xFahrenheit = 32 + (9 * xCelsius / 5)
        OutputWindow.Text = xFahrenheit
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        xFahrenheit = OutputWindow.Text
        xCelsius = ((xFahrenheit - 32) * 5) / 9
        OutputWindow.Text = xCelsius
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonLbToKilo_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xKilograms = OutputWindow.Text
        xPounds = xKilograms * 2.204623
        OutputWindow.Text = xPounds
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        xPounds = OutputWindow.Text
        xKilograms = xPounds / 2.204623
        OutputWindow.Text = xKilograms
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonSine_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xAsin = ArcSin(OutputWindow.Text)
        If bError Then Exit Sub
        Select Case iDegRadGrad
            Case DEGREES
                OutputWindow.Text = xAsin * 180 / PI
            Case RADIANS
                OutputWindow.Text = xAsin
            Case GRADIANS
                xDeg = xAsin * 180 / PI
                OutputWindow.Text = xDeg * 10 / 9
        End Select
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        Select Case iDegRadGrad
            Case DEGREES
                xsin = Sin(OutputWindow.Text * PI / 180)
            Case RADIANS
                xsin = Sin(OutputWindow.Text)
            Case GRADIANS
                xDeg = (OutputWindow.Text * 9) / 10
                xsin = Sin(xDeg * PI / 180)
        End Select
        OutputWindow.Text = xsin
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonCosine_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xAcos = ArcCos(OutputWindow.Text)
        If bError Then Exit Sub
        Select Case iDegRadGrad
            Case DEGREES
                OutputWindow.Text = xAcos * 180 / PI
            Case RADIANS
                OutputWindow.Text = xAcos
            Case GRADIANS
                xDeg = xAcos * 10 / 9
                OutputWindow.Text = xDeg * 180 / PI
        End Select
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        Select Case iDegRadGrad
            Case DEGREES
                xcos = Cos(OutputWindow.Text * PI / 180)
            Case RADIANS
                xcos = Cos(OutputWindow.Text)
            Case GRADIANS
                xDeg = (OutputWindow.Text * 9) / 10
                xcos = Cos(xDeg * PI / 180)
        End Select
        OutputWindow.Text = xcos
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonTangent_Click()
    If InvCheckBox.Value = True Then
        xAtan = Atn(OutputWindow.Text)
        Select Case iDegRadGrad
            Case DEGREES
                OutputWindow.Text = xAtan * 180 / PI
            Case RADIANS
                OutputWindow.Text = xAtan
            Case GRADIANS
                xDeg = xAtan * 180 / PI
                OutputWindow.Text = xDeg * 10 / 9
        End Select
        InvCheckBox.Value = False
        Call InvCheckBox_Click
        Select Case iDegRadGrad
            Case DEGREES
                xtan = Tan(OutputWindow.Text * PI / 180)
            Case RADIANS
                xtan = Tan(OutputWindow.Text)
            Case GRADIANS
                xDeg = (OutputWindow.Text * 9) / 10
                xtan = Tan(xDeg * PI / 180)
        End Select
        OutputWindow.Text = xtan
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonSquare_Click()
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xNum = OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
    xNum = xNum * xNum
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xNum)
        Case HEXNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xNum)
        Case DECNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = xNum
        Case OCTNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xNum)
        Case BINNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xNum)
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonCube_Click()
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xNum = OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
    xNum = xNum * xNum * xNum
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xNum)
        Case HEXNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xNum)
        Case DECNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = xNum
        Case OCTNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xNum)
        Case BINNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xNum)
    End Select
End Sub
Public Function ArcSin(x As Variant) As Variant
    Select Case x
        Case -1
            ArcSin = 6 * Atn(1)
        Case 0:
            ArcSin = 0
        Case 1:
            ArcSin = 2 * Atn(1)
        Case Else:
            ArcSin = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))
    End Select
End Function
Public Function ArcCos(x As Variant) As Variant

    Select Case x
        Case -1
            ArcCos = 4 * Atn(1)
        Case 0:
            ArcCos = 2 * Atn(1)
        Case 1:
            ArcCos = 0
        Case Else:
            ArcCos = Atn(-x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
    End Select
End Function

Private Sub Button1OverX_Click()
    xValue = OutputWindow.Text
    If xValue = 0 Then
        OutputWindow.Text = "ERROR - Divide by Zero"
        OutputWindow.ForeColor = &HFF&
        bError = True
        OutputWindow.Text = 1 / xValue
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonSqrRoot_Click()
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xValue = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xValue = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xValue = OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xValue = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xValue = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
    If xValue < 0 Then
        OutputWindow.Text = "ERROR - Square Root of Negative Number"
        OutputWindow.ForeColor = &HFF&
        bError = True
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(Sqr(xValue))
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(Sqr(xValue))
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = Sqr(xValue)
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(Sqr(xValue))
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(Sqr(xValue))
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonFactorial_Click()
    Dim xFactorial, xNum As Double
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            xNum = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
        Case HEXNUM
            xNum = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case DECNUM
            xNum = OutputWindow.Text
        Case OCTNUM
            xNum = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
        Case BINNUM
            xNum = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
    End Select
    xFactorial = xNum
    On Error GoTo Factorial_Error
    For iCounter = (xFactorial - 1) To 1 Step -1
        xFactorial = xFactorial * iCounter
    Select Case iCurrentRadix
        Case ROMANNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xFactorial)
        Case HEXNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xFactorial)
        Case DECNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = xFactorial
        Case OCTNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xFactorial)
        Case BINNUM
            OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xFactorial)
    End Select
    Exit Sub
    OutputWindow.Text = "ERROR - " + Err.Description
    OutputWindow.ForeColor = &HFF&
    bError = True
End Sub

Public Function GetDecRomanStr(ByVal xDecimal As Double) As String
    Dim iThousands, iHundreds, iTens, iOnes As Integer
    Dim sReturnStr As String
    Dim sHunds(9) As String
    Dim sTens(9) As String
    Dim sOnes(9) As String
    sHunds(1) = "C"
    sHunds(2) = "CC"
    sHunds(3) = "CCC"
    sHunds(4) = "CD"
    sHunds(5) = "D"
    sHunds(6) = "DC"
    sHunds(7) = "DCC"
    sHunds(8) = "DCCC"
    sHunds(9) = "CM"
    sTens(1) = "X"
    sTens(2) = "XX"
    sTens(3) = "XXX"
    sTens(4) = "XL"
    sTens(5) = "L"
    sTens(6) = "LX"
    sTens(7) = "LXX"
    sTens(8) = "LXXX"
    sTens(9) = "XC"
    sOnes(1) = "I"
    sOnes(2) = "II"
    sOnes(3) = "III"
    sOnes(4) = "IV"
    sOnes(5) = "V"
    sOnes(6) = "VI"
    sOnes(7) = "VII"
    sOnes(8) = "VIII"
    sOnes(9) = "IX"
    iThousands = (xDecimal - (xDecimal Mod 1000)) / 1000
    xDecimal = xDecimal Mod 1000
    iHundreds = (xDecimal - (xDecimal Mod 100)) / 100
    xDecimal = xDecimal Mod 100
    iTens = (xDecimal - (xDecimal Mod 10)) / 10
    xDecimal = xDecimal Mod 10
    iOnes = xDecimal
    sReturnStr = ""
    For iCount = 1 To iThousands
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + "M"
    If iHundreds > 0 Then
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + sHunds(iHundreds)
    End If
    If iTens > 0 Then
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + sTens(iTens)
    End If
    If iOnes > 0 Then
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + sOnes(iOnes)
    End If
    GetDecRomanStr = sReturnStr
End Function

Public Function GetRomanDecNum(ByVal sRomanStr As String) As Double
    Dim xDecimal As Double
    Dim sStr As String
    sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
    While sStr = "M"
        xDecimal = xDecimal + 1000
        sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
        sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
    iHunds = 0
    If Left(sRomanStr, 2) = "CM" Then
        iHunds = 9
        sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 2)
        If Left(sRomanStr, 1) = "D" Then
            iHunds = 5
            sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
            If Left(sRomanStr, 2) = "CD" Then
                iHunds = 4
                sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 2)
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If iHunds = 0 Or iHunds = 5 Then
        sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
        While sStr = "C"
            iHunds = iHunds + 1
            sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
            sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
    End If
    xDecimal = xDecimal + iHunds * 100
    iTens = 0
    If Left(sRomanStr, 2) = "XC" Then
        iTens = 9
        sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 2)
        If Left(sRomanStr, 1) = "L" Then
            iTens = 5
            sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
            If Left(sRomanStr, 2) = "XL" Then
                iTens = 4
                sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 2)
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If iTens = 0 Or iTens = 5 Then
        sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
        While sStr = "X"
            iTens = iTens + 1
            sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
            sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
    End If
    xDecimal = xDecimal + iTens * 10
    iOnes = 0
    If Left(sRomanStr, 2) = "IX" Then
        iOnes = 9
        sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 2)
        If Left(sRomanStr, 1) = "V" Then
            iOnes = 5
            sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
            If Left(sRomanStr, 2) = "IV" Then
                iOnes = 4
                sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 2)
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If iOnes = 0 Or iOnes = 5 Then
        sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
        While sStr = "I"
            iOnes = iOnes + 1
            sRomanStr = Right(sRomanStr, Len(sRomanStr) - 1)
            sStr = Left(sRomanStr, 1)
    End If
    xDecimal = xDecimal + iOnes

    GetRomanDecNum = xDecimal
End Function

Public Function GetDecHexStr(ByVal xDecimal As Double) As String
    Dim sReturnStr As String
    Dim lQuotient As Long
    iRemainder = xDecimal Mod 16
    lQuotient = xDecimal \ 16
    While lQuotient > 0
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + GetHexDigit(iRemainder)
        xDecimal = lQuotient
        iRemainder = xDecimal Mod 16
        lQuotient = xDecimal \ 16
    If iRemainder > 0 Then
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + GetHexDigit(iRemainder)
    End If
    GetDecHexStr = StrReverse(sReturnStr)
End Function

Public Function GetHexDigit(ByVal iDigit As Integer) As String
    Dim sReturnStr As String
    Select Case iDigit
    Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
        sReturnStr = CStr(iDigit)
    Case "10"
        sReturnStr = "A"
    Case "11"
        sReturnStr = "B"
    Case "12"
        sReturnStr = "C"
    Case "13"
        sReturnStr = "D"
    Case "14"
        sReturnStr = "E"
    Case "15"
        sReturnStr = "F"
    End Select
    GetHexDigit = sReturnStr

End Function

Public Function GetDecOctStr(ByVal xDecimal As Double) As String

    Dim sReturnStr As String
    Dim lQuotient As Long
    iRemainder = xDecimal Mod 8
    lQuotient = xDecimal \ 8
    Do While lQuotient > 0
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + CStr(iRemainder)
        xDecimal = lQuotient
        iRemainder = xDecimal Mod 8
        lQuotient = xDecimal \ 8
    If iRemainder > 0 Then
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + CStr(iRemainder)
    End If
    GetDecOctStr = StrReverse(sReturnStr)
End Function

Public Function GetDecBinStr(ByVal xDecimal As Double) As String

    Dim sReturnStr As String
    Dim lQuotient As Long
    iRemainder = xDecimal Mod 2
    lQuotient = xDecimal \ 2
    Do While lQuotient > 0
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + CStr(iRemainder)
        xDecimal = lQuotient
        iRemainder = xDecimal Mod 2
        lQuotient = xDecimal \ 2
    If iRemainder > 0 Then
        sReturnStr = sReturnStr + CStr(iRemainder)
    End If
    GetDecBinStr = StrReverse(sReturnStr)
End Function
Public Function GetBinDecNum(ByVal sBinStr As String) As Double
    Dim iLength, Counter As Integer
    Dim xReturnVal As Double
    Dim sNewString As String
    xReturnVal = 0
    iLength = Len(sBinStr)
    sNewString = StrReverse(sBinStr)
    For Counter = 0 To iLength - 1
        xReturnVal = xReturnVal + Left(sNewString, 1) * 2 ^ Counter
        sNewString = Right(sNewString, Len(sNewString) - 1)
    GetBinDecNum = xReturnVal

End Function

Public Sub ConvertOutputWindowText(ByVal iOldRadix As Integer, ByVal iNewRadix As Integer)
    Select Case (iOldRadix)
        Case ROMANNUM
            Select Case (iNewRadix)
                Case HEXNUM
                    xDecimal = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(xDecimal)
                Case DECNUM
                    xDecimal = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = xDecimal
                Case OCTNUM
                    xDecimal = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(xDecimal)
                Case BINNUM
                    xDecimal = GetRomanDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(xDecimal)
            End Select
        Case HEXNUM
            Select Case (iNewRadix)
                Case ROMANNUM
                    xDecimal = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xDecimal)
                Case DECNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                Case OCTNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case BINNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = Val("&H" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(OutputWindow.Text)
            End Select
        Case DECNUM
            Select Case (iNewRadix)
                Case ROMANNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case HEXNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case OCTNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case BINNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(OutputWindow.Text)
            End Select
        Case OCTNUM
            Select Case (iNewRadix)
                Case ROMANNUM
                    xDecimal = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xDecimal)
                Case HEXNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case DECNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                Case BINNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = Val("&O" + OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(OutputWindow.Text)
            End Select
        Case BINNUM
            Select Case (iNewRadix)
                Case ROMANNUM
                    xDecimal = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(xDecimal)
                Case HEXNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case DECNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                Case OCTNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetBinDecNum(OutputWindow.Text)
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(OutputWindow.Text)
            End Select
    End Select
End Sub

Private Function Calculate_Total(dFirstNum, dSecondNum, dTotal) As Boolean
    Select Case iMathFunction
    Case DIVIDE
        If dSecondNum = 0 Then
            OutputWindow.Text = "ERROR - Divide by Zero"
            OutputWindow.ForeColor = &HFF&
            Calculate_Total = True
            dTotal = dFirstNum / dSecondNum
            Select Case iCurrentRadix
                Case ROMANNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(dTotal)
                Case HEXNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(dTotal)
                Case DECNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = dTotal
                Case OCTNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(dTotal)
                Case BINNUM
                    OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(dTotal)
            End Select
            xFirstNum = dTotal
            bFirstNum = True
            bEntered = True
        End If
        iMathFunction = 0
        dTotal = dFirstNum * dSecondNum
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(dTotal)
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(dTotal)
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = dTotal
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(dTotal)
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(dTotal)
        End Select
        dFirstNum = dTotal
        bFirstNum = True
        bEntered = True
        iMathFunction = 0
    Case PLUS
        dTotal = dFirstNum + dSecondNum
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(dTotal)
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(dTotal)
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = dTotal
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(dTotal)
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(dTotal)
        End Select
        dFirstNum = dTotal
        bFirstNum = True
        bEntered = True
        iMathFunction = 0
    Case MINUS
        dTotal = dFirstNum - dSecondNum
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(dTotal)
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(dTotal)
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = dTotal
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(dTotal)
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(dTotal)
        End Select
        xFirstNum = dTotal
        bFirstNum = True
        bEntered = True
        iMathFunction = 0
    Case POWER
        xTotal = 1
        If dSecondNum <> 0 Then
            For iCounter = 1 To dSecondNum
                dTotal = dTotal * dFirstNum
        End If
        Select Case iCurrentRadix
            Case ROMANNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecRomanStr(dTotal)
            Case HEXNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecHexStr(dTotal)
            Case DECNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = dTotal
            Case OCTNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecOctStr(dTotal)
            Case BINNUM
                OutputWindow.Text = GetDecBinStr(dTotal)
        End Select
        xFirstNum = dTotal
        bFirstNum = True
        bEntered = True
        iMathFunction = 0
    End Select
End Function

eray yel

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