Programalama > HTML

Etiketler: midi, calici......

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<!-- Start Of Midi Master Script -->
<!-- MIDI Player that allows you to choose songs/tracks -->
<!-- Instructions: Just put this script anywhere on your webpage
	that you wish to have a user interface.
<!--  -->
<!--  -->
<Script Language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hiding 

song = new Array()
var x = 0

song[1] = "Cool Midi # 1"
song[2] = "Cool Midi # 2"
song[3] = "Cool Midi # 3"
song[4] = "Cool Midi # 4"
song[5] = "Cool Midi # 5"
song[6] = "Cool Midi # 6"

function prev(){
if (x>1)
{ x--
document.midi.typein.value=song [x]

function next(){
var max= song.length-1
if (x<max)
{ x++
document.midi.typein.value=song [x]

function go(){
if (x != 0){

function start(){
document.midi.typein.value=song [x]

function end(){
document.midi.typein.value=song [x]

function cls(){
document.midi.typein.value="Select Midi Song"
// Done Hiding -->
<BODY Bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="cls()">
<FORM Name="midi">
<INPUT NAME="typein" TYPE="text" SIZE="25" ALIGN=top><BR>
<font size=3 face="Comic Sans Ms">
<INPUT TYPE=Button Value="|<<" Align=left onclick="start()">
<INPUT TYPE=Button Value="<<" Align=left onclick="prev()">
<INPUT TYPE=Button Value="PLAY" Align=left onclick="go()">
<INPUT TYPE=Button Value=">>" Align=left onclick="next()">
<INPUT TYPE=Button Value=">>|" Align=left onclick="end()">
<!-- End Of Midi Master Script -->


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ASP - 240
ASP.NET - 24
C# - 75
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CGI - 8
DELPHI - 247
FLASH - 49
HTML - 536
PASCAL - 246
PERL - 11
PHP - 160
WML - 9
XML - 2
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